Version 8.9.0
No Matches

Windows example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from an PI imager and display it via GDI.

Windows example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from an PI imager and display it via GDI.

* Example showing the usage of the C++ library libirimager *
* -------------------------------------------------------- *
* With this example up to 4 devices can be instantiated simultaneously. *
* For each device, an XML file needs to be passed. A generic XML file having *
* the serial number == 0, forces the library to search for any valid device. *
* Multiple files having serial number == 0 are not valid. *
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
// IR Imager device interfaces
#include "IRDevice.h"
// IR Imager imager interfaces
#include "IRImager.h"
// IR Imager logging interface
#include "IRLogger.h"
// IR Imager image converter
#include "ImageBuilder.h"
// Visualization
#include "VideoDisplay.h"
// Helper class to measure the achievable frame rate
#include "FramerateCounter.h"
// Helper class to maintain and query calibration data
#include "IRCalibrationManager.h"
// Time measurement
#include "Timer.h"
std::map<unsigned long, evo::IRImager*> _imagers;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::FramerateCounter*> _frc;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::FramerateCounter*> _frcOnThermalFrame;
std::map<unsigned long, VideoDisplay*> _displays;
std::map<unsigned long, unsigned char*> _thermalImages;
std::map<unsigned long, unsigned char*> _yuyvImages;
double _elapsed = 0.0;
int _eCnt = 0;
bool _showThermal = true;
double _elapsedThermal = 0.0;
int _eCntThermal = 0;
// Function called be DirectShow interface when a new frame has been acquired.
// Multiple cameras are distinguished by their serial number.
void __CALLCONV onRawFrame(unsigned char* data, int len, evo::IRDevice* dev)
unsigned long serial = dev->getSerial();
_imagers[serial]->process(data, dev);
_elapsed += t.reset();
double fps;
if (_frc[serial]->trigger(&fps))
std::cout << "Frame rate: " << fps << " fps, Elapsed (process call): " << _elapsed / (double)_eCnt << " ms" << std::endl;
_elapsed = 0.0;
_eCnt = 0;
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance.
// Keep this function free of heavy processing load. Otherwise the frame rate will drop down significantly for the control loop.
// With the optional argument, one can distinguish between multiple instances.
// A more sophisticated way to do so, is the usage of the object oriented interface (IRImagerClient).
void __CALLCONV onThermalFrame(unsigned short* image, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, evo::IRFrameMetadata meta, void* arg)
evo::IRDevice* device = (evo::IRDevice*)arg;
unsigned long serial = device->getSerial();
_elapsedThermal += t.reset();
double fps;
if (_frcOnThermalFrame[serial]->trigger(&fps))
std::cout << "Thermal Frame rate: " << fps << " fps, Elapsed (process call): " << _elapsedThermal / (double)_eCntThermal << " ms" << std::endl;
_elapsedThermal = 0.0;
_eCntThermal = 0;
if (!_showThermal) return;
evo::ImageBuilder iBuilder(true, _imagers[serial]->getTemprangeDecimal());
iBuilder.setData(w, h, image);
if (_thermalImages[serial] == NULL)
_thermalImages[serial] = new unsigned char[iBuilder.getStride() * h * 3];
unsigned char* thermalImage = _thermalImages[serial];
_displays[serial]->drawCapture(0, 0, iBuilder.getStride(), h, 24, thermalImage);
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance with visible image as parameter.
// Keep this function free of heavy processing load. Otherwise the frame rate will drop down significantly for the control loop.
// With the optional argument, one can distinguish between multiple instances.
// A more sophisticated way to do so, is the usage of the object oriented interface (IRImagerClient).
void __CALLCONV onVisibleFrame(unsigned char* yuyv, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, evo::IRFrameMetadata meta, void* arg)
if (_showThermal) return;
evo::IRDevice* device = (evo::IRDevice*)arg;
unsigned long serial = device->getSerial();
if (_yuyvImages[serial] == NULL)
_yuyvImages[serial] = new unsigned char[w*h * 2];
unsigned char* yuyvImage = _yuyvImages[serial];
memcpy(yuyvImage, yuyv, 2 * w*h * sizeof(*yuyv));
unsigned char* bufferVisible = new unsigned char[w * h * 3];
evo::ImageBuilder iBuilder(true, _imagers[serial]->getTemprangeDecimal());
iBuilder.yuv422torgb24(yuyv, bufferVisible, w, h);
_displays[serial]->drawCapture(0, 0, w, h, 24, bufferVisible);
delete[] bufferVisible;
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance, every time the state of the shutter flag changes.
// The flag state changes either automatically or by calling the forceFlagEvent method of IRImager.
void __CALLCONV onFlageStateChange(evo::EnumFlagState fs, void* arg)
std::cout << "Flag state for instance " << *((int*)(arg)) << ": " << fs << std::endl;
// This callback signals that all data have been passed within a process call.
void __CALLCONV onProcessExit(void* arg)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string filename = "";
evo::IRLogger::setVerbosity(evo::IRLOG_ERROR, evo::IRLOG_OFF, filename.c_str());
if (argc < 2 || argc > 5)
std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <path to xml file> [path to xml file] [path to xml file] [path to xml file]" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::IRDevice*> devices;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::IRDeviceParams> params;
for (int i = 1; i <= argc - 1; i++)
char* args = argv[i];
// Windows SDK is compiled using 16-bit Unicode characters
size_t argSize = strlen(args) + 1, converted;
wchar_t* argPath = new wchar_t[argSize];
mbstowcs_s(&converted, argPath, argSize, args, argSize);
return -1;
delete[] argPath;
evo::IRDevice* device = evo::IRDevice::IRCreateDevice(p);
if (device)
devices[device->getSerial()] = device;
params[device->getSerial()] = p;
// Output available optics
const evo::IRArray<evo::IROptics>* optics = caliManager.getAvailableOptics(device->getSerial());
std::cout << "Available optics for camera with serial " << device->getSerial() << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < optics->size(); i++)
evo::IROptics op = (*optics)[i];
std::wcout << "FOV: " << op.fov << " deg, Text: " << << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < op.tempRanges.size(); j++)
std::cout << " tMin: " << op.tempRanges[j].tMin << " C, tMax: " << op.tempRanges[j].tMax << " C" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (devices.size() > 0)
unsigned long serial;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::IRDevice*>::iterator itDevices;
std::vector<unsigned long> serialsToDelete;
for (itDevices = devices.begin(); itDevices != devices.end(); itDevices++)
evo::IRDevice* device = itDevices->second;
serial = itDevices->first;
_imagers[serial] = new evo::IRImager();
_frc[serial] = new evo::FramerateCounter(1000.0, device->getFrequency());
_frcOnThermalFrame[serial] = new evo::FramerateCounter(1000.0, params[serial].framerate);
_displays[serial] = NULL;
_thermalImages[serial] = NULL;
evo::IRImager* imager = _imagers[serial];
if (imager->init(&params[serial], device->getFrequency(), device->getWidth(), device->getHeight(), true))
imager->setRadiationParameters(1.0, 1.0);
int r = device->startStreaming();
if (r < 0)
std::cerr << "Error on start streaming on " << itDevices->first << std::endl;
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
if (imager->hasBispectralTechnology())
w = imager->getVisibleWidth();
h = imager->getVisibleHeight();
_showThermal = false;
w = imager->getWidth();
h = imager->getHeight();
if (w < 120) w *= 2;
if (h < 120) h *= 2;
_displays[serial] = new VideoDisplay(w, h);
bool run = true;
unsigned int bufferSize = devices.begin()->second->getRawBufferSize();
unsigned char* bufferRaw = new unsigned char[bufferSize];
while (run)
for (itDevices = devices.begin(); itDevices != devices.end(); itDevices++)
evo::IRDeviceError result = itDevices->second->getFrame(bufferRaw);
if (result == evo::IRIMAGER_DISCONNECTED)
//device disconnected
for (std::vector<unsigned long>::iterator it = serialsToDelete.begin(); it != serialsToDelete.end(); it++)
auto serialNr = *it;
delete devices[serialNr];
delete _displays[serialNr];
delete _imagers[serialNr];
run = devices.size() > 0;
std::cout << "IR Imager device(s) could not be found" << std::endl;
std::map<unsigned long, evo::IRDevice*>::iterator itDevices;
for (itDevices = devices.begin(); itDevices != devices.end(); itDevices++)
evo::IRDevice* device = itDevices->second;
unsigned long serial = itDevices->first;
delete _frc[serial];
delete _frcOnThermalFrame[serial];
delete _imagers[serial];
if (_thermalImages[serial]) delete _thermalImages[serial];
if (_yuyvImages[serial]) delete _yuyvImages[serial];
if (_displays[serial]) delete _displays[serial];
return 0;
Framerate calculation helper.
Definition: FramerateCounter.h:33
C-Array wrapper for handle size, copy and memory.
Definition: IRArray.h:23
T *const data() const
Returns pointer to array.
Definition: IRArray.h:190
std::size_t size() const
Returns size of array.
Definition: IRArray.h:184
Class for checking and downloading calibration files for IRImager devices.
Definition: IRCalibrationManager.h:58
static bool readXML(const Tchar *xmlFile, IRDeviceParams &params)
Static xml parsing method.
Wrapper for PI driver and image processing library.
Definition: IRImager.h:141
bool init(IRDeviceParams *params, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool useHID, unsigned short hwRev=0, unsigned short fwRev=0)
Initializing routine, to be called after instantiation.
bool hasBispectralTechnology() const
Check if bispectral technology is available.
void setThermalFrameCallback(fptrIRThermalFrame callback)
Set callback function to be called for new frames.
unsigned int getHeight() const
Get image height of thermal channel.
void setRadiationParameters(float emissivity, float transmissivity, float tAmbient=-999.f)
Set radiation properties, i.e.
unsigned int getVisibleWidth() const
Get image width of visible channel (if available)
void setFlagStateCallback(fptrIRFlagState callback)
Set callback function to be called for changing flag states.
void setProcessExitCallback(fptrIRProcessEvent callback)
Set callback function to be called when the process method has finalized its work.
unsigned int getVisibleHeight() const
Get image height of visible channel (if available)
void setVisibleFrameCallback(fptrIRVisibleFrame callback)
Set callback function to be called for new frames.
unsigned int getWidth() const
Get image width of thermal channel.
static void setVerbosity(IRLoggerVerbosityLevel levelStdout, IRLoggerVerbosityLevel levelFile, const char *filename=NULL)
Change verbosity level.
Image creation module for displaying purposes.
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:66
Time measurement class.
Definition: Timer.h:27
long double reset()
Reset time measurement, i.e., set new reference.
Structure containing device parameters.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:125
Tchar * formatsPath
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:129
Tchar * caliPath
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:130
Structure containing meta data acquired from the PI imager.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:98
Definition: IRCalibrationManager.h:34