Version 8.9.0
No Matches

Linux example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from an PI imager and display it with a lightweight OpenGL viewer.

Linux example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from an PI imager and display it with a lightweight OpenGL viewer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <queue>
#include "IRArray.h"
// IR device interfaces
#include "IRDevice.h"
// IR imager interfaces
#include "IRImager.h"
// Helper class for checking calibration files
#include "IRCalibrationManager.h"
// Logging interface
#include "IRLogger.h"
// Image converter
#include "ImageBuilder.h"
// Visualization
#include "Obvious2D.h"
// Time measurement
#include "Timer.h"
#include "Image.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace evo;
IRImager* _imager = NULL;
ImageBuilder _iBuilder;
double _elapsed = 0.0;
int _cntElapsed = 0;
int _cntFrames = 0;
bool _showVisibleChannel = false;
bool _streaming = true;
bool _biSpectral = false;
bool _showHelp = true;
bool _showFPS = true;
bool _useMultiThreading = false;
bool _shutdown = false;
bool _takeSnapshot = false;
bool _showSerial = true;
EnumOptrisColoringPalette _palette = eIron;
pthread_mutex_t _mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// Threaded working function to display images
void* displayWorker(void* arg);
Image<unsigned char>* _imgYUYV = NULL;
Image<unsigned short>* _imgThermal = NULL;
queue<Image<unsigned short>*> _qThermal;
queue<Image<unsigned char>*> _qYUYV;
enum IRImagerState
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance with thermal image as parameter.
// Keep this function free of heavy processing load. Otherwise the frame rate will drop down significantly for the control loop.
void onThermalFrame(unsigned short* thermal, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, IRFrameMetadata meta, void* arg)
if(_showVisibleChannel || !_imager->isFlagOpen()) return;
_imgThermal = new Image<unsigned short>(w, h, thermal);
/*cout << meta.counterHW << endl;
cout << "Hardware timestamp: " << (float)(meta.counterHW) * _imager->getHWInterval() << " s" << endl;
cout << meta.tempBox << " " << meta.tempChip << " " << meta.tempFlag << endl;*/
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance with visible image as parameter.
// Keep this function free of heavy processing load. Otherwise the frame rate will drop down significantly for the control loop.
void onVisibleFrame(unsigned char* yuyv, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, IRFrameMetadata meta, void* arg)
if(!_showVisibleChannel) return;
_imgYUYV = new Image<unsigned char>(w, h, yuyv);
// Function called within process call of IRImager instance, every time the state of the shutter flag changes.
// The flag state changes either automatically or by calling the forceFlagEvent method of IRImager.
void onFlageStateChange(EnumFlagState fs, void* arg)
cout << "Flag state: " << fs << endl;
// Function called either by PIF event or via software trigger (raiseSnapshotEvent)
void onThermalFrameEvent(unsigned short* thermal, unsigned short* energy, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, IRFrameMetadata meta, const IRArray<IREventData>& events, void* arg)
if(_showVisibleChannel || !_imager->isFlagOpen()) return;
_imgThermal = new Image<unsigned short>(w, h, thermal);
// Function called either by PIF event or via software trigger (raiseSnapshotEvent)
void onVisibleFrameEvent(unsigned char* yuyv, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, IRFrameMetadata meta, const IRArray<IREventData>& events, void* arg)
if(!_showVisibleChannel) return;
_imgYUYV = new Image<unsigned char>(w, h, yuyv);
// Function called within getFrame call of IRDeviceUVC instance.
// Keep this function free of heavy processing load. Otherwise the frame rate will drop down significantly for the control loop.
void onRawFrame(unsigned char* data, int len, IRDevice* dev)
_imager->process(data, (void*)&_mutex);
_elapsed += t.reset();
void onProcessExit(void* arg)
//----- Handle data after processing -----
//---- clear data after processing -----
_imgThermal = NULL;
_imgYUYV = NULL;
void drawMeasurementInfo(Obvious2D* viewer, unsigned char* dst, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float value, unsigned char rgba[4], unsigned char rgbaBG[4], short decimalPlaces)
unsigned int width = viewer->getWidth();
unsigned int height = viewer->getHeight();
width = viewer->getScreenWidth();
height = viewer->getScreenHeight();
float fw = (float)width;
float fh = (float)height;
// check aspect ratio, there might be a dual monitor configuration
if(fw/fh > (16.f/9.f + 1e-3))
width /= 2;
width = viewer->getWidth();
height = viewer->getHeight();
char text[20];
char format[6] = "%2.1f";
if(decimalPlaces > 1 && decimalPlaces < 10)
format[3] = ((char)decimalPlaces) + 48; //to ascii
sprintf(text, format, value);
float radius = 20.f;
float offset = radius/2.f;
viewer->addCrosshair(width * x/w, height - height * y/h, text, rgba, rgbaBG, radius, offset);
void cbShowHelp()
_showHelp = !_showHelp;
void cbShowFPS()
_showFPS = !_showFPS;
void cbPalette()
unsigned int val = (unsigned int)_palette;
if((val++)>eAlarmRed) val = 1;
_palette = (EnumOptrisColoringPalette) val;
void cbSnapshot()
_takeSnapshot = true;
void cbMultiThreading()
_useMultiThreading = !_useMultiThreading;
cout << "Activation state of multi-threading: " << _useMultiThreading << endl;
void cbChannel()
_showVisibleChannel = !_showVisibleChannel;
void cbManualFlag()
void cbRaiseEvent()
void cbStreaming()
_streaming = !_streaming;
void* displayWorker(void* arg)
pthread_mutex_t* mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)arg;
int wInit = _imager->getWidth();
int hInit = _imager->getHeight();
int wDisplay = wInit;
int hDisplay = hInit;
if(wDisplay<640 && hDisplay<480)
wDisplay = 640;
hDisplay = 480;
Obvious2D viewer(wDisplay, hDisplay, "Optris Imager Example");
unsigned char green[4] = {0, 255, 0, 255};
unsigned char black[4] = {0, 0, 0, 255};
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('h', cbShowHelp, "Show help", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('d', cbShowFPS, "Display FPS", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('p', cbPalette, "Switch palette", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('m', cbManualFlag, "Manual flag event", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('s', cbSnapshot, "Serialize snapshot", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('t', cbMultiThreading, "Toggle multi-threading", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('e', cbRaiseEvent, "Raise software event", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('x', cbStreaming, "Toggle streaming/event mode", green, black);
viewer.registerKeyboardCallback('c', cbChannel, "Toggle thermal/visible channel", green, black);
// Set scaling method for false color conversion
// Other possible scaling methods are ...
_iBuilder.setManualTemperatureRange(22.0f, 37.0f);
_palette = _iBuilder.getPalette();
unsigned char* bufferThermal = NULL;
unsigned char* bufferVisible = NULL;
unsigned char* bufferEmpty = new unsigned char[wInit * hInit * 3];
unsigned char* buffer = bufferEmpty; // Image to be displayed, as long as no data has been acquired
int wDraw = wInit;
int hDraw = hInit;
bool drawCrosshair = false;
while(viewer.isAlive() && !_shutdown)
Image<unsigned char>* img = _qYUYV.front();
wDraw = img->_width;
hDraw = img->_height;
bufferVisible = new unsigned char[wDraw * hDraw * 3];
buffer = bufferVisible;
_iBuilder.yuv422torgb24(img->_data, buffer, wDraw, hDraw);
delete img;
drawCrosshair = false;
string file("/tmp/snapshotRGB.ppm");
_iBuilder.serializePPM(file.c_str(), buffer, wDraw, hDraw);
cout << "Serialized file to " << file << endl;
_takeSnapshot = false;
else if (!_qThermal.empty())
Image<unsigned short>* img = _qThermal.front();
_iBuilder.setData(img->_width, img->_height, img->_data);
wDraw = _iBuilder.getStride();
hDraw = img->_height;
bufferThermal = new unsigned char[wDraw * hDraw * 3];
buffer = bufferThermal;
delete img;
drawCrosshair = true;
unsigned char* ppm;
unsigned int size;
string filename("/tmp/snapshot.ppm");
_iBuilder.convert2PPM(ppm, &size, buffer, _iBuilder.getStride(), hDraw);
ofstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
file.write((const char*) ppm, size);
delete [] ppm;
cout << "Serialized file to " << filename << endl;
unsigned char* bar;
unsigned int wBar = 20;
unsigned int hBar = 382;
string fileBar("/tmp/bar.ppm");
_iBuilder.getPaletteBar(wBar, hBar, bar);
_iBuilder.serializePPM(fileBar.c_str(), bar, wBar, hBar);
delete [] bar;
cout << "Serialized palette bar to " << fileBar << endl;
_takeSnapshot = false;
int radius = 3;
if(wDraw<9 || hDraw<9) radius = 2;
ExtremalRegion minRegion;
ExtremalRegion maxRegion;
_iBuilder.getMinMaxRegion(radius, &minRegion, &maxRegion);
unsigned char rgba[4] = { 0, 0, 255, 255};
unsigned char white[4] = {255, 255, 255, 128};
unsigned char whiteBright[4] = {255, 255, 255, 255};
unsigned char gray[4] = { 32, 32, 32, 128};
unsigned char black[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 255};
short decimalPlaces = _imager->getTemprangeDecimal();
drawMeasurementInfo(&viewer, buffer, wDraw, hDraw, (minRegion.u1+minRegion.u2)/2, (minRegion.v1+minRegion.v2)/2, minRegion.t, rgba, white, decimalPlaces);
rgba[0] = 255;
rgba[2] = 0;
drawMeasurementInfo(&viewer, buffer, wDraw, hDraw, (maxRegion.u1+maxRegion.u2)/2, (maxRegion.v1+maxRegion.v2)/2, maxRegion.t, rgba, white, decimalPlaces);
float mean = _iBuilder.getMeanTemperature(wDraw/2-radius, hDraw/2-radius, wDraw/2+radius, hDraw/2+radius);
rgba[1] = 255;
rgba[2] = 255;
drawMeasurementInfo(&viewer, buffer, wDraw, hDraw, wDraw/2-1, hDraw/2-1, mean, rgba, gray, decimalPlaces);
viewer.draw(buffer, wDraw, hDraw, 3);
viewer.showSerialNum(_showSerial, _params.serial);
delete [] bufferEmpty;
if(bufferThermal) delete [] bufferThermal;
if(bufferVisible) delete [] bufferVisible;
_shutdown = true;
cout << "Shutdown display worker" << endl;
return NULL;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <xml configuration file>" << endl;
return -1;
if(argc > 2)
cout << "argc > 2 --> printing debug information to stdout and log file" << endl;
IRLogger::setVerbosity(IRLOG_DEBUG, IRLOG_DEBUG);
IRLogger::setVerbosity(IRLOG_ERROR, IRLOG_OFF);
// Read parameters from xml file
if(!IRDeviceParamsReader::readXML(argv[1], _params))
cout << "<xml configuration file> cannot be read" << endl;
return -1;
// Find valid device
IRDevice* dev = IRDevice::IRCreateDevice(_params);
cout << "Error: Device with serial# " << _params.serial << " could not be found" << endl;
return -1;
evo::IRCalibrationManager caliManager(_params.caliPath, _params.formatsPath);
// Output available optics
const evo::IRArray<evo::IROptics> *optics = caliManager.getAvailableOptics(dev->getSerial());
std::cout << "Available optics for camera with serial " << dev->getSerial() << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < optics->size(); i++)
evo::IROptics op = (*optics)[i];
std::cout << "FOV: " << op.fov << " deg, Text: " << << std::endl;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < op.tempRanges.size(); j++)
std::cout << " tMin: " << op.tempRanges[j].tMin << " C, tMax: " << op.tempRanges[j].tMax << " C" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// Initialize Optris image processing chain
_imager = new IRImager();
if(_imager->init(&_params, dev->getFrequency(), dev->getWidth(), dev->getHeight(), dev->controlledViaHID(), dev->getHwRev(), dev->getFwRev()))
// --------------- Print out configuration ---------------
if(_imager->getWidth()==0 || _imager->getHeight()==0)
cout << "Error: Image streams not available or wrongly configured. Check connection of camera and config file." << endl;
return -1;
cout << "Connected camera, serial: " << dev->getSerial() << ", HW(Rev.): " << _imager->getHWRevision() << ", FW(Rev.): " << _imager->getFWRevision() << endl;
cout << "Thermal channel: " << _imager->getWidth() << "x" << _imager->getHeight() << "@" << _params.framerate << "Hz" << endl;
_biSpectral = _imager->hasBispectralTechnology();
cout << "Visible channel: " << _imager->getVisibleWidth() << "x" << _imager->getVisibleHeight() << "@" << _params.framerate << "Hz" << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Set radiation parameters of thermal image
_imager->setRadiationParameters(1.0, 1.0);
// --- Set callback methods and start video streaming ----
_iBuilder = ImageBuilder(true, _imager->getTemprangeDecimal());
cout << "Error occurred in starting stream ... aborting. You may need to reconnect the camera." << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
pthread_t th;
pthread_create( &th, NULL, displayWorker, &_mutex);
FramerateCounter fpsStream;
// The following state machine enables the handling of unplug/replug events.
// The user can unplug the USB cable during runtime. As soon as the camera is replugged, the state machine will continue to acquire data.
// Enter endless loop in order to pass raw data to Optris image processing library.
// Processed data are supported by the frame callback function.
int cntDropped = 0;
unsigned char* bufferRaw = new unsigned char[dev->getRawBufferSize()];
IRDeviceError retval;
double timestamp;
// getFrame calls back onRawFrame
retval = dev->getFrame(bufferRaw, &timestamp);
//cout << "v4l2 timestamp: " << timestamp << endl;
cout << "Framerate: " << fpsStream.getFps() << " fps, Elapsed (process call): " << _elapsed/(double)_cntElapsed << " ms, Frames: " << _cntFrames << ", Dropped: " << cntDropped << endl;
_elapsed = 0.0;
_cntElapsed = 0;
else if(retval==IRIMAGER_NOSYNC)
delete dev;
dev = NULL;
cout << "WARNING: Imager returned error code " << retval << endl;
cout << "Imager was disconnected ... trying to recover connection state" << endl;
unsigned long serial = 0;
if(_params.serial != serial)
cout << "Imager hardware was changed ... skipping" << endl;
dev = IRDevice::IRCreateDevice(_params);
_imager->reconnect(&_params, dev->getFrequency(), dev->getWidth(), dev->getHeight(), dev->controlledViaHID(), dev->getHwRev(), dev->getFwRev());
pthread_join(th, NULL);
delete [] bufferRaw;
delete _imager;
delete dev;
cout << "Exiting application" << endl;
return 1;
Framerate calculation helper.
Definition: FramerateCounter.h:33
bool trigger(double *fps=NULL)
Trigger, i.e., integrate new measurement.
double getFps()
Accessor to current frames per second rate (no triggering is performed)
C-Array wrapper for handle size, copy and memory.
Definition: IRArray.h:23
T *const data() const
Returns pointer to array.
Definition: IRArray.h:190
std::size_t size() const
Returns size of array.
Definition: IRArray.h:184
Class for checking and downloading calibration files for IRImager devices.
Definition: IRCalibrationManager.h:58
Wrapper for PI driver and image processing library.
Definition: IRImager.h:141
short getTemprangeDecimal() const
Returns the number of decimal places in thermal data.
bool isFlagOpen() const
Check if shutter flag is open.
bool init(IRDeviceParams *params, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool useHID, unsigned short hwRev=0, unsigned short fwRev=0)
Initializing routine, to be called after instantiation.
bool hasBispectralTechnology() const
Check if bispectral technology is available.
void setThermalFrameEventCallback(fptrIRThermalSnapshot callback)
Set callback function to be called for PIF or software trigger events.
void setThermalFrameCallback(fptrIRThermalFrame callback)
Set callback function to be called for new frames.
unsigned int getHeight() const
Get image height of thermal channel.
void forceFlagEvent(float time=0.f)
Force shutter flag event manually (close/open cycle)
void setVisibleFrameEventCallback(fptrIRVisibleSnapshot callback)
Set callback function to be called for PIF or software trigger events.
void setRadiationParameters(float emissivity, float transmissivity, float tAmbient=-999.f)
Set radiation properties, i.e.
unsigned int getVisibleWidth() const
Get image width of visible channel (if available)
void process(unsigned char *buffer, void *arg=NULL)
Process raw data.
void setFlagStateCallback(fptrIRFlagState callback)
Set callback function to be called for changing flag states.
void setProcessExitCallback(fptrIRProcessEvent callback)
Set callback function to be called when the process method has finalized its work.
unsigned int getVisibleHeight() const
Get image height of visible channel (if available)
void raiseSnapshotEvent()
Raise a software triggered snapshot event (comparable with PIF event)
void setUseMultiThreading(bool useMultiThreading)
Experimental feature: Use multi-threading to accelerate process call.
unsigned int getFWRevision() const
Get firmware revision.
unsigned int getHWRevision() const
Get hardware revision.
bool reconnect(IRDeviceParams *params, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool useHID, unsigned short hwRev=0, unsigned short fwRev=0)
Reconnect resets internal variables and calls init method again.
void setVisibleFrameCallback(fptrIRVisibleFrame callback)
Set callback function to be called for new frames.
unsigned int getWidth() const
Get image width of thermal channel.
Image creation module for displaying purposes.
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:66
float getMeanTemperature(unsigned int u1, unsigned int v1, unsigned int u2, unsigned int v2)
Get mean temperature of rectangular measuring field.
void convertTemperatureToPaletteImage(unsigned char *dst, bool ignoreStride=false)
Image conversion to rgb (bgr on windows)
void setData(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const unsigned short *data)
Set new data.
EnumOptrisColoringPalette getPalette() const
Get palette for color conversion return coloring palette.
void setManualTemperatureRange(float min, float max)
Set temperature range for manual scaling method.
void setPalette(EnumOptrisColoringPalette palette)
Set palette for color conversion.
void convert2PPM(unsigned char *&ppm, unsigned int *size, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const
Convert palette image to ppm format.
void getMinMaxRegion(unsigned int radius, ExtremalRegion *minRegion, ExtremalRegion *maxRegion)
Get region of minimum/maximum temperature with given radius.
void setPaletteScalingMethod(EnumOptrisPaletteScalingMethod method)
Scaling method of color conversion.
void yuv422torgb24(const unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) const
Convert YUV422 image to RGB format (8-Bit per channel)
void getPaletteBar(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned char *&img) const
int serializePPM(const char *filename, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const
Serialize data to PPM-format.
unsigned int getStride(void) const
If memory alignment is needed, this class provides a stride parameter configured with setSize(....
Time measurement class.
Definition: Timer.h:27
long double reset()
Reset time measurement, i.e., set new reference.
Rectangular area having extremal temperature, i.e., minimum or maximum temperature in a certain image...
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:26
int u2
right-most column index
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:30
float t
mean temperature
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:27
int v2
upper row index
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:31
int v1
lower row index
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:29
int u1
left-most column index
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:28
Structure containing device parameters.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:125
Tchar * formatsPath
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:129
float framerate
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:134
unsigned long serial
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:126
Tchar * caliPath
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:130
Structure containing meta data acquired from the PI imager.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:98
Definition: IRCalibrationManager.h:34