Version 8.9.0
No Matches

Linux example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from two PI imagers simultaneously and display both data streams with a lightweight OpenGL viewer.

Linux example: This example demonstrates how to acquire data from two PI imagers simultaneously and display both data streams with a lightweight OpenGL viewer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
// Optris device interface
#include "IRDevice.h"
// Optris imager interface
#include "IRImager.h"
// Optris logging interface
#include "IRLogger.h"
// Optris image converter
#include "ImageBuilder.h"
// Visualization
#include "Obvious2D.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace evo;
IRDeviceParams _params1;
IRDeviceParams _params2;
EnumOptrisColoringPalette _palette = eIron;
struct thread_context
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t available;
IRImager* imager;
IRDevice* device;
unsigned short* thermal;
bool _shutdown = false;
void onThermalFrame(unsigned short* thermal, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, IRFrameMetadata meta, void* arg)
thread_context* context = (thread_context*)arg;
pthread_mutex_lock( &(context->mutex) );
if(context->thermal==NULL) context->thermal = new unsigned short[w*h];
memcpy(context->thermal, thermal, w*h*sizeof(*thermal));
pthread_cond_signal( &(context->available) );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &(context->mutex) );
void* camWorker(void* arg)
thread_context* context = (thread_context*)arg;
IRImager* imager = context->imager;
IRDevice* device = context->device;
unsigned char* bufferRaw = new unsigned char[device->getRawBufferSize()];
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Enter endless loop in order to pass raw data to Optris image processing library.
// Processed data are provided by the frame callback function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
imager->process(bufferRaw, context);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
delete [] bufferRaw;
return NULL;
void* camWorker2(void* arg)
thread_context* context = (thread_context*)arg;
IRImager* imager = context->imager;
IRDevice* device = context->device;
unsigned char* bufferRaw = new unsigned char[device->getRawBufferSize()];
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Enter endless loop in order to pass raw data to Optris image processing library.
// Processed data are provided by the frame callback function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
imager->process(bufferRaw, context);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
delete [] bufferRaw;
return NULL;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <1st xml configuration file> <2nd xml configuration file>" << endl;
return -1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize Optris imager driver and image processing chain
// -----------------------------------------------------------
IRLogger::setVerbosity(IRLOG_ERROR, IRLOG_OFF);
if(!IRDeviceParamsReader::readXML(argv[1], _params1))
return -1;
if(!IRDeviceParamsReader::readXML(argv[2], _params2))
return -1;
IRDevice* dev1 = NULL;
dev1 = IRDevice::IRCreateDevice(_params1);
cout << "Error: Instantiating 1st device with serial " << _params1.serial << endl;
return -1;
IRImager imager1;
imager1.init(&_params1, dev1->getFrequency(), dev1->getWidth(), dev1->getHeight(), dev1->controlledViaHID());
unsigned int w1 = imager1.getWidth();
unsigned int h1 = imager1.getHeight();
if(w1==0 || h1==0)
cout << "Error: Image streams of 1st camera not available or wrongly configured. Check connection of camera and config file." << endl;
return -1;
cout << "1st connected camera, serial: " << dev1->getSerial() << ", HW(Rev.): " << imager1.getHWRevision() << ", FW(Rev.): " << imager1.getFWRevision() << endl;
cout << "Thermal channel: " << imager1.getWidth() << "x" << imager1.getHeight() << "@" << dev1->getFrequency() << "Hz" << endl;
IRDevice* dev2 = NULL;
dev2 = IRDevice::IRCreateDevice(_params2);
cout << "Error: Instantiating 2nd device with serial " << _params2.serial << endl;
delete dev1;
return -1;
IRImager imager2;
imager2.init(&_params2, dev2->getFrequency(), dev2->getWidth(), dev2->getHeight(), dev2->controlledViaHID());
unsigned int w2 = imager2.getWidth();
unsigned int h2 = imager2.getHeight();
if(w2==0 || h2==0)
cout << "Error: Image streams of 2nd camera not available or wrongly configured. Check connection of camera and config file." << endl;
return -1;
cout << "2nd connected camera, serial: " << dev2->getSerial() << ", HW(Rev.): " << imager2.getHWRevision() << ", FW(Rev.): " << imager2.getFWRevision() << endl;
cout << "Thermal channel: " << imager2.getWidth() << "x" << imager2.getHeight() << "@" << dev2->getFrequency() << "Hz" << endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
cout << "Error occurred in starting stream from 1st camera ... aborting. You may need to reconnect the camera." << endl;
cout << "Error occurred in starting stream from 2nd camera ... aborting. You may need to reconnect the camera." << endl;
pthread_t th1;
thread_context context1 = {PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, &imager1, dev1, NULL};
pthread_create( &th1, NULL, camWorker, &context1);
pthread_t th2;
thread_context context2 = {PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, &imager2, dev2, NULL};
pthread_create( &th2, NULL, camWorker2, &context2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Set up two OpenGL viewer for the separate data streams
// -----------------------------------------------------------
Obvious2D viewer(w1, h1, "Optris Twin Imager Example");
Obvious2D viewer2(w2, h2, "Optris Twin Imager Example");
ImageBuilder iBuilder1(true, imager1.getTemprangeDecimal());
iBuilder1.setManualTemperatureRange(15.0f, 40.0f);
ImageBuilder iBuilder2(true, imager2.getTemprangeDecimal());
iBuilder2.setManualTemperatureRange(15.0f, 40.0f);
unsigned char* bufferThermal = NULL;
unsigned char* bufferThermal2 = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Display loop
// -----------------------------------------------------------
while(viewer.isAlive() && viewer2.isAlive() && !_shutdown)
pthread_mutex_lock( &(context1.mutex) );
pthread_cond_wait( &(context1.available), &(context1.mutex) );
iBuilder1.setData(w1, h1, context1.thermal);
bufferThermal = new unsigned char[iBuilder1.getStride() * h1 * 3];
pthread_mutex_unlock( &(context1.mutex) );
viewer.draw(bufferThermal, iBuilder1.getStride(), h1, 3);
pthread_mutex_lock( &(context2.mutex) );
pthread_cond_wait( &(context2.available), &(context2.mutex) );
iBuilder2.setData(w2, h2, context2.thermal);
bufferThermal2 = new unsigned char[iBuilder2.getStride() * h2 * 3];
pthread_mutex_unlock( &(context2.mutex) );
viewer2.draw(bufferThermal2, iBuilder2.getStride(), h2, 3);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
_shutdown = true;
if(bufferThermal) delete [] bufferThermal;
if(bufferThermal2) delete [] bufferThermal2;
pthread_mutex_lock( &(context1.mutex) );
pthread_cond_signal( &(context1.available) );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &(context1.mutex) );
pthread_join(th1, NULL);
pthread_mutex_lock( &(context2.mutex) );
pthread_cond_signal( &(context2.available) );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &(context2.mutex) );
pthread_join(th2, NULL);
delete dev1;
delete dev2;
cout << "Exiting application" << endl;
return 1;
Wrapper for PI driver and image processing library.
Definition: IRImager.h:141
short getTemprangeDecimal() const
Returns the number of decimal places in thermal data.
bool init(IRDeviceParams *params, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool useHID, unsigned short hwRev=0, unsigned short fwRev=0)
Initializing routine, to be called after instantiation.
void setThermalFrameCallback(fptrIRThermalFrame callback)
Set callback function to be called for new frames.
unsigned int getHeight() const
Get image height of thermal channel.
void process(unsigned char *buffer, void *arg=NULL)
Process raw data.
unsigned int getFWRevision() const
Get firmware revision.
unsigned int getHWRevision() const
Get hardware revision.
unsigned int getWidth() const
Get image width of thermal channel.
Image creation module for displaying purposes.
Definition: ImageBuilder.h:66
Structure containing device parameters.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:125
unsigned long serial
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:126
Structure containing meta data acquired from the PI imager.
Definition: IRDeviceParams.h:98